The School logo is circular and is based on the core principles in which our Trust, Raja Shree Shivraya Pratishthan believes in. It is constructed on the Initials of our Trust’s name.
(Depicted using Rays of Education Coming out of a BOOK)
Sunrays positively contributes to a higher academic performance in reading as well as in science. It also supports attention, the stability of the circadian cycle and overall health, mental health and comfort, which in turn, leads to better academic performance.
Bright light boosts mood and concentration. It may help prevent disease, and enhance our ability to learn
(Depicted by a twig of leaves)
This twig of leaves depicts two stages: i) Small, tender leaves and ii) Growing leaves which gives insights of two developmental stages of students. The former is the foundational stage and the later is the Preparatory stage of Educating minds.
It also relates learning that refers to learning through gaining new insights, discovering unrevealed aspects and recognizing seemingly unrelated connections.
(Depicted by phyllotaxy)
The Synergic work culture of NINS is depicted here.
Linkage of Our Empowered Teaching Staff, Our Determined Non-Teaching staff, Our Engaged Parents and Community, Streamlined Administration, Accessible Data, Turbocharged Tech Teams towards the betterment of our Thriving students
(Depicted by a circular figure encircling all elements leading to Global Peace with Books as Backbone)
The Golden Rule is a universal principle that says “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Achieving Peace is the process of acquiring values, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, others, & the natural environment.
The teaching of peace-related concepts can be delivered in five stages, namely engage, explore, explain, elaborate & evaluate (5Es).